shop to give
Go Shopping and help your fellow animal companions at the same time! The funds raised from items sold here assists in our mission to save, care for, and find forever families for dogs and cats in need.
Photo by DoraZett/iStock / Getty Images
Don’t delay, shop for your canine or feline friends today! A portion of your eligible purchase totals will benefit the Central Texas SPCA when you shop using AmazonSmile.
On your first visit to AmazonSmile (, you are prompted to select a charitable organization from their list of eligible organizations. To choose us, just search for Central TX SPCA. You only need to set your charity once; just remember to shop through AmazonSmile.
Looking to purchase items that CTSPCA needs? Check out our Amazon Wish List!
Shop is an Internet retail shopping mall with over 500 stores you know and love. If you purchase through, designate Central Texas SPCA as your preferred charity and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to us – it’s that easy!
Randalls Good Neighbor Program
Link our Good Neighbor Number 876 to your Remarkable Card and help us raise money for the animals!
Don’t have a card? To obtain a free Remarkable Card, visit your local Randalls store. When you fill out the application, please be sure to give them our Number 876. Not only will you receive in-store savings, but each time you use your card a percentage of your grocery purchases will go to the Central Texas SPCA. So be sure to use your card every time you shop!
Already have a Remarkable Card but don’t have it linked to our Number 876? No problem, just take your card to customer service at your local Randalls store and ask them to activate the link.